we sell everything bathroom

We Are Bathrooms Supplier in Kidderminster.

from taps to tiles

We sell everything bathroom!

Expert fitting service available.
Open to trade and private customers offering quality products at lowest possible prices.

Unit 16 John Samuel Building,
Arthur Drive, Hoo Farm Industrial Estate,
Kidderminster, DY11 7RA

MON – FRI : 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
SAT : 9:00 am – 12:00 Midday
SUN : Closed

Do you have a question?

We will be more than happy to answer.

Collect From Showroom or Nationwide Delivery


Send a message or call us.

"Friendly, Knowlegable & Helpful"

Message us in confidence.
We do not send unsolicited emails nor we make cold sales calls, we do not save your details. We will only respond to your query. We respect your privacy.

    Bathroom Furniture Collection